Cardiff Fly Control
Houseflies can easily spread communicable diseases, picking up pathogens more by accident than anything else. The pathogens become attached to the fly on the hairs of their legs and body and around its mouth parts. These pathogens are most usually picked up by the female while laying eggs on decomposing organic matter such as feces, garbage and animal corpses. They then transfer these pathogens to food or food preparation surfaces.
Mature houseflies also use saliva to liquefy solid food before feeding on it, the saliva will
also contain some regurgitated food from its previous meal which could have been some form of decomposing organic matter, this method of disease transfer is known as “vomit drop”.
The excrement of houseflies has been found to contain numerous micro organisms as well as cysts and other intestinal parasites. A housefly constantly defecates allowing for spread of disease this way too.
Diseases carried by houseflies in the UK may include diarrhea, dysentery, salmonella, anthrax, and tuberculosis and elsewhere could include typhoid and cholera. They are also capable of transmitting the eggs of parasitic worms.
Common Fly Identification
Lesser House Fly Fannia canicularis
Grey thorax with three indistinct longitudal stripes.
Abdomen has extensive area of yellow at base.
Ultra Violet sticky traps and electronic fly killers (EFK) are effective at controlling the lesser housefly.
Dark brown/black in colour. Wingspan 3-4mm.
Will swarm in large numbers and inflict bites.
Control Ultra:
Violet sticky traps will attract and control midges.
Insect repellents should be used when outdoors to prevent bites.
Thorax and abdomen black/blue in colour and often with a metallic appearance.
Wingspan 18-20mm.
Control: Electronic fly killers (EFK) are a very effective step in controlling these pests.
Thorax distinctive dark grey/olive colour covered in golden hairs.
Large flies, wingspan up to 20mm.
Areas where flies congregate should be treated with residual insecticide.
Electronic fly killers (EFK) are a very effective step in controlling cluster flies.
Common House Fly Musca domestica
Thorax grey with four longitudinal dark stripes.
Sides of abdomen are yellowish and may be transparent.
A dark band covers the final abdomen segments.
Ultra Violet sticky traps and electronic fly killers will effectively control houseflies.
Mushroom/Fungus Fly Sciara thomae
Small insects, wingspan 14-15mm.
Black head, thorax and abdomen.
Thorax has humped appearance.
Ultra violet sticky traps are a very effective step in controlling mushroom flies.
Small yellowish brown with darkly striped abdomen.
Prominent red eyes.
Ultra violet sticky traps are extremely effective at controlling these smaller insects.
Slender, long-legged insect with forwardpointing, piercing and sucking mouthparts.
Wingspan 7-15mm.
units are extremely effective at catching mosquitoes.
Scuttle / Phorid Fly Megaselia spp.
Thorax dark brown/tan with distinctive humped appearance.
Ultra violet sticky traps and electronic fly killers are particularly effective at attracting and controlling these pests.
Black head and thorax, black and yellow patterning on abdomen.
Ultra Violet sticky traps and electronic fly killers (EFK) are particularly effective at attracting and controlling wasps.