House Mouse Control Cardiff
For fast control of a house mouse problem
speak to a local professional pest controller : not a national call centre
For FAST, Friendly, Professional Service,
Call 02920 552243
House Mouse(Mus domesticus)
The House Mouse (Musculus domesticus) is a very common pest of buildings and can gain access through very small gaps putting most premises at risk of infestation.
The house mouse originated from the steppes of Central Asia and was reportedly found in this country as early as the 9th Century.
Sexual maturity is reached in 6-8 weeks and they can have up to 5-8 litters per year. The litter size is between 4-16 young. Under ideal conditions a pair of mice could produce 2500 mice in 1 year.
Mice will drink water if available but they can survive on food with a moisture content of 15% without a separate water supply.
The mouse is small brownish-grey with a thin tail which is approximately 80% the length of its head and body.
The snout is pointed and their ears small with fine hairs.
They have a small, slender appearance with an average weight of 25g.
Their life span is on average between 6 and 12 months and in this time they can have a maximum of 7 litters consisting of 5-6 young.
Droppings are pointed, thin spindle shaped with an average length of 5mm.
The house mouse rarely burrows and has good climbing skills.
Like the brown rat they can be found both indoors and outdoors and in rural or urban environments.
They are omnivores with a preference for cereals.
Their behaviour is erratic.
The control of house mice can be achieved by the use of rodenticides in the case of a large infestation and by using traps when there is only a small house mouse infestation.
When carrying out house mouse control it is necessary to be aware of the possibility of secondary poisoning to other wildlife. Full attention of the rodenticide label needs to be taken. The rodenticide label gives details of the maximum quantity of poison to be placed in each bait point, the distance between bait points, the locations of the bait points (inside/outside dependent upon rodenticide used), maximum length of time baits are to be laid down for (“35 day rule”) and the necessity to locate and dispose of dead bodies regularly.
Vale Pest Control are located on the outskirts of Cardiff, ideally situated to cover Cardiff, Newport, The Vale, Bridgend and the Valleys.
Specialising in pest control and wildlife management VPC offer solutions to bird problems, rodent infestation, bedbug and flea infestation treatments.
For FAST, Friendly Service, Call 02920 552243
Speak to a local professional pest controller – NOT a national call centre!!!
Resolve your mouse infestation quickly and cleanly