Wasp Nest Treatment
If you have a wasp nest please don’t attempt to poke at it, or knock it down, the outcome is likely to be very unpleasant.
If you succeed in knocking the wasp nest down you would be faced with a lot of very angry wasps with the ability to sting anyone or thing within the vicinity multiple times.
Call an experienced professional, who will have the correct equipment and treatments enabling them to reach even the most awkward wasp nest.
Often wasps nest are found within roof spaces, we have extendable equipment that allows us to reach the nest entrance, without getting to close.
Please don’t just block an entrance to a wasp nest with either expanding foam or grey tape. Blocking entrances result in the wasps becoming super agitated. They will find or create an alternate entrance, which maybe inside the property so causing you more anxiety with the possible outcome of wasp stings to the occupants.
Don’t set fire to a wasp nest, again this action will certainly cause the wasps to become super agitated increasing the likelihood of stings.
Wasps are highly defensive of their nests; so threats to it will provoke attacks to people or animals within the vicinity of the nest.
Once a single wasp stings, it emits a pheromone, this acts as a signal to other wasps in and around the nest, who will join the attack, and continue the assault until a safe perimeter has been established around the nest. The speed at which the wasps will exit the nest to attack is amazing, and unless suitably attired is very scary, unpleasant, painful and possibly fatal.
There are reports annually of deaths to horses, dogs and occasionally people as a result of stings from wasps.
The best approach is to carry out a proper insecticidal treatment by a trained pest technician.
When we have established that the nest is active we agree an appointment and carry out the treatment. We use a carbamate insecticide “Ficam D” this is not available to purchase by the general public, being for professional use only.
Returning wasps will walk through the dust and carry it into the nest.
Where the access to the entrance is either restricted or is easily located we will inject the nest with insecticide from within the building. The insecticide is fast acting and the nest will become inactive by the end of the day.
You may see further activity as foraging wasps return, some of which have stayed out overnight before returning to the nest the following day.
We advise that customers keep a good distance from the wasp nest where possible, and keep all windows and doors closed for a short time post treatment; this is because wasps become very agitated after the application of insecticide and there is an increased risk of being stung.
Be aware that dead wasps, bees or hornets can still sting if they are stepped on with bare feet.
After a wasp nest treatment, it is still possible to be stung by the dead wasps lying on the ground, especially if running around bare footed. If children are likely to be within the vicinity this should be recognised and all wasps removed before allowing them access.
Our Services
We offer a fast, effective service for wasp control and wasp nest removal at a fixed price.
We cover all aspects of wasp problems for domestic properties and gardens and commercial properties and spaces.
We are RSPH (Royal Society Protection of Health) qualified and fully insured, for all aspects of pest control.
We remove bee swarms the same day that you phone, often at no cost to you, dependent upon your location and accessibility.
Our standard charge for a Wasp or Hornet nest treatment starts at £45.99.
We have no hidden extra charges such as for an unnecessary surveys or for VAT.
Any additional nests that are identified and treated within your property boundary at the same time as the call out treatment are charged at £14.99 per nest dependent upon accessibility.
All wasp nest treatment work is guaranteed unless otherwise agreed.
We work WEEKENDS !!! if it’s a Saturday or Sunday and you find a nest while out in the garden there is no need to worry, just call us on 02920553370 and we will come straight out.
To get rid of your wasps or bee swarms give us a call on 02920 552243
We will get to you today!! , so don’t wait just give us a call.
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