Mole Control & Trapping Cardiff South Wales
A typical mole per hour catch is 3.5, but can be as high as 6 or 7 moles per hour in some locations on the first days or weeks of control.
All moles caught that day are presented and left on the farm/business premises unless otherwise told not to do so.
Mole eradication is more effective on a single large block of land (say 200 acres) than many smaller areas that are adjacent on all sides to other landowners. Ideally all neighbouring farmers should carry out some form of mole control to ensure the best possible long-term results.
We use aerial maps of your land and fields and then split the area into sections, which are then individually numbered, and the number of traps placed in each section is recorded.
Ordnance Survey maps are used to identify public rights of way so we can mark trap sites accordingly.
We can trap fields with sheep and cattle in without any risk to the stock with little effect on our performance, but we need any equines removed.
If necessary trapping can be carried out over night, it is effective, though not a substitute for a proper trapping program.
Rabbit control can also be carried out at the same time. This can very effective, though mole catch rate suffers as a result.
If you think you have a mole problem, don’t wait – Get your local mole catcher in now.